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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Great Escape actor Angus Lennie dies aged 84

Angus Lennie in Monarch of the Glen  
Angus Lennie in his last acting role from BBC drama Monarch of the Glen
Scottish actor Angus Lennie, who was famous for roles in The Great Escape and ITV show Crossroads, has died in a London nursing home aged 84.

Born in Glasgow, he played a huge range of roles across stage, TV and film.

As Archibald "the Mole" Ives, Lennie performed opposite Hollywood icon Steve McQueen in The Great Escape. Director and co-star Richard Attenborough cast him again in Oh! What A Lovely War.

Lennie also had roles in Doctor Who and Monarch of the Glen.

For soap fans, he was Shughie McFee the chef in the ITV's Crossroads.

Lennie was also cast as a bagpipe-playing innkeeper during several appearances in Doctor Who.
He frequently returned to Scotland to appear in pantomime, often as a double act with his friend Stanley Baxter.

His last acting role was in Monarch of the Glen, before ill health forced his

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