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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 5 September 2014

Surprised? No. I'm A Creative Genius....:-/

Slightly embarassing considering all the stuff I post on CBO. Yesterday and todays views have been given a huge boost thanks to yesterdays post: Words Within Worlds, Lost Covers and Rare Small Press Comics. Of course, as the UKs leading graphic novelist it is not that unexpected (I'm keeping a straight face -honest!).

I guess people are not just interested in all the big stories but also the minutiae of comics and how sad old men work!

THANKS anyway, folks!


  1. In many ways, Terry, the personal story is the only story worth telling - "The unconsidered life is not worth living" - unless you are personally- personally - involved in something - it has no real value. The blog by Mr. Name-I-Forget ( sorry ) who was a 'Marvel fan but now isn't so interested and might quit comics as a hobby' hit the nail on the head when he was talking about emotional investment ... unless you have a story to tell- it has no meaning. So...occasionally dipping into the ol' Tel-is-like-this story is very very valuable - it shows how much you care about what you're doing.

  2. I am the cotrys leading graphic novelist. The little people out there want to know these things. Care? GIMME THE BIG FAT CHEQUE!!!
