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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 26 September 2014

Zombina and the Skeletones Live in Bristol!

Gutted, but I won't be going. Very, very annoyed since I've been telling everyone about this group for a couple years now!
Cover Photo

Free entry (all donations welcome)

Zombina and the skeletones *official*

Five deformed rock n' roll monsters from Liverpool, UK. Zombina and the Skeletones mix garage punk and girl-group pop with spooked out B-movie sonics. They've shared stages with Wednesday 13, The Misfits, The Damned, The Meteors, Kid Congo Powers, The Primitives, Shonen Knife and the Horrors - to name but a few, and have been invited to drag their blood spattered live show as far out as Finland, Sicily, Greece and the Czech republic!

Gravedale High

Gravedale High, from Norwich, play kick ass horror-themed punk rock. They've performed alongside international horror-inspired acts such as The Misfits, Blitzkid, The Creepshow, The Meteors, The Brains and many others.

Lupen Tooth

Fresh from the morgue, Bristol-based horrorpunk trio Lupen Tooth take a break from watching b-movies on VHS to sing songs about undertakers, werewolves and zombies.

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