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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 3 September 2014

The 29th Helsinki Comics Festival 5th to 7th of September 2014

No one tells me about these events. No one invites me. See the tear rolling down my cheek? Maybe next year?


The 2014 festival themes are Germany and Queer Comics

sateenkaari web miniThe largest comics festival in Northern Europe welcomes comics fans and professionals alike! The main event, held on the first full weekend of September features once again a comics market, Small Press Heaven, artists, exhibitions, discussions, presentations, live drawing performances, competitions, animation, kids' events and clubs. Our theme this year is LGBT comics, and our guest country is Germany.

The German theme is showcased with bringing in visiting artist, exhibitions, residencies and workshops. The festival is proud to host the artist Olivier Kugler, Sascha Hommer, Anna Haifisch, Birgit Weyhe and Marijpol, among many others. Switzerland and Austria are also represented with their own visiting artists and exhibitions.

Among the highlights of this year's festival are the exhibitions celebrating the lives and works of two of the most prolific Finnish LGBT artists, Moomin creator Tove Jansson and Touko Laaksonen, a.k.a. Tom of Finland. In keeping with the LGBT theme, Helsinki Comics Festival welcomes the Spanish artist Sebas Martín.

Join us in September to discover comics!

The main festival venue tent and the Small Press Heaven are located at LASIPALATSI SQUARE (Mannerheimintie 22 - 24), with programme and the comics market open all weekend.

International program in English (PDF)
Main venue opening hours:
Friday the 5th of September: 14 pm to 8 pm
Saturday the 6th of September: 11 am to 8 pm
Sunday the 7th of September: 12 am to 6 pm

International Exhibitors and Small Press
Deadline for exhibitor sign-up has passed.

Deadline for home accommodation has passed.

For more information, please contact:
Katri Naukkarinen, producer, +358 400 298 784
Kalle Hakkola, technical producer, +358 50 344 7615
Maura Manninen, international coordinator, +358 400 456 381

Poster by 2014 festival artist Joonas Rinta-Kanto

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