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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 4 September 2014

Miracleman Annual 1 On Its Way

Saw this mentioned on Google+ but now cannot find THAT posting. Oh well -thanks for the tip-off! Check out Vulture at:

Cover to "Miracleman Annual" No. 1. Art by Gabriele Dell'Otto.

"Superhero nerds and comics snobs, gather and rejoice! We're proud to make an exclusive announcement: Marvel Comics is about to publish the first new Miracleman stories in 20 years. And what's more, one of those stories will be the first-ever publication of a long-lost Miracleman script written nearly 30 years ago by psychedelic Scottish comics legend Grant Morrison.

On New Year's Eve, you can head to your local comics shop (or online retailer, if you hate the smell of paper) and buy Miracleman Annual No. 1. It will feature the following delights: the aforementioned never-before-seen Grant Morrison story, which will be drawn by Marvel Entertainment's chief creative officer (and veteran penciler) +Joe Quesada; a brand-new Miracleman story written by Peter Milligan and drawn by Mike Allred; a cover by Italian illustrato Gabriele Dell'Otto; and a variant cover by Bone writer-artist Jeff Smith. For the comics world, this is a huge deal.

"People talk about comics like Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, but Miracleman affected modern comics as much as them, if not more so," Quesada told me. "This is gonna be part of the historical tapestry of the character."

I'm sort of so-so on the art and this news release is not getting me excited as it seems more like wanting to promote Grant Morrison because Disney knows he has a lot of followers so that equals big bucks (they hope).

Internal art...again, nothing getting me moist.  Take a look

Unfinished page for "Miracleman Annual" No. 1. Art by Joe Quesada.
Unfinished page for "Miracleman Annual" No. 1. Art by Joe Quesada.
I know some of you may find it unbelievable but I had a lot of respect for Quesada as an artist but he went "to the Dark Side"!  Remember these are unfinished pages. 

Variant cover for "Miracleman Annual" No. 1. Art by Jeff Smith.

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