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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 15 October 2014




Michael Carroll joined the Irish Science Fiction Association in 1987 and was soon invited to become editor of their fiction magazine FTL. During the 90s he moved from being part-time to a fulltime writer, accruing awards for his short stories, as well as contributing to newspapers and magazines such as SFX and Albedo as time went on.

Turning his hand to novels, he has found further success with The New Heroes/Quantum Prophecy, a series revolving around the existence of superhuman beings and the problems of how they deal with their powers. He has also written books for younger readers, notably The Pelicos Trilogy that began with The Last Starship and as an author of romance written such titles as If the Shoe Fits under the penname of Jaye Carroll.

Initially contributing to independent comic anthologies such as Zarjaz and FutureQuake (now published in Birmingham), recent years have found Michael Carroll writing for The Judge Dredd Megazine, notably Tales From The Black Museum and the Judge Dredd lead feature, and 2000AD itself, contributing Future Shocks and becoming a regular scribe of Judge Dredd’s adventures therein. The results of this found him being nominated as Favourite Newcomer Writer in the 2012 Eagle Awards. 

He has also written the Jennifer Blood: First Blood series for Dynamite Comics in the USA, as well as adapting John Higgins’ creator-owned comic book character Rajorjak into the novel format.

Michael Carroll’s writing has been translated into French, German, Italian, Swedish and Polish. He has also written plays for the stage and radio.

The Birmingham Comics Festival on Saturday 18th April 2015 will mark a rare appearance of the award-winning writer Michael Carroll at a UK comic book related event. 

For more information on Michael Carroll visit:

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