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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 23 October 2014

Titan Books: Lego Ninjago Vol.2 -Mask Of The Sensei

[Cover Art Image]
Series: Lego Ninjago Graphic Novels
Full colour
soft cover
ISBN 9781782761938
All ages

Cole, Zane, Jay, and Kai, the Masters of Spinjitzu, have defeated unbelievably powerful foes and all seems well on the world of Ninjago. But all that changes when the inja are attacked by the one foe they can’t possibly hope to defeat, the one who taught them everything they know — Sensei Wu himself?!

This is a nightmare come true when they must somehow defeat their respected teacher and friend — or must they?!

I'm sorry but Lego as anything but a building material (VERY expensive at that) leaves me cold.  So I am going to ignore the Lego aspect and just take this as a fun, well drawn and wonderfully coloured story for "all ages", though of course it is supposed to be for children.

I certainly know that there ARE a lot of adults (including cosplayers) who will go nuts and buy this. At at under a £5.00 why not?

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