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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 23 September 2016

'2000 AD' to Celebrate 40th Anniversary With Convention in London (Exclusive)

According to the Hollywood Reporter

2017 is going to be a big year for British anthology comic 2000 AD. Not only does the self-styled "Galaxy's Greatest Comic" celebrate its 40th anniversary, but it'll do so with a special one-day live event being held in London next February.
The comic helped creators such as Alan Moore, Brian Bolland, Dave Gibbons and Grant Morrison find fame, and guests at the live event will include those from the long history of the title, including Judge Dredd creators John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra, as well as Watchmen artist Gibbons, Suicide Squadwriter Rob Williams, Slaine artist Simon Bisley and Criminal andKill Or Be Killed's Sean Phillips. Alongside signings, programming at the day-long show will also include what publisher Rebellion is calling "one-of-a-kind spectacles befitting the legacy of the finest comic book export the U.K. has ever produced."
"2000 AD is the crown jewel of British comics," 2000 AD editor Matt Smith said in a statement. "February’s festival will be an explosive celebration – not only of the achievements of the creators for the past forty years, but also a chance to thank the fans for their continued loyalty across the decades."
The event, titled 2000 AD: 40 Years of Thrill Power, will take place at the Novotel London West on Feb. 11, with tickets going on sale online at the official 2000 AD site on Oct. 12. The announcement of the event comes days before another important 2000 AD anniversary — the title's 2000th issue is released this Wednesday.

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