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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 29 September 2016

Superheroes vs. DC's Dominators

CW More Superhero Shows

CW's 4-Way 'Arrowverse' Crossover to Pit Superheroes vs. DC's Dominators

The Big Bad battle lines have been drawn.
This fall’s four-way crossover between ArrowThe FlashSupergirl and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will pit the super crew against DC Comics’ Dominators, TVLine has learned. Arrow and Legends EP Marc Guggenheim says he’s “taking inspiration from a DC crossover from the late 1980s known as Invasion!, which featured an alien picrace called the Dominators, who’d previously vexed the Legion of Superheroes.
“We’re using cutting-edge prosthetics and computer effects to achieve a feature film-quality look,” Guggenheim adds, “which is faithful toInvasion! artist Todd McFarlane’s interpretation of the characters.”

Last week, Guggenheim tweeted an image from the table read for Arrow‘s 100th episode — a linchpin of the ambitious four-pronged event — that confirmed the return of Jamey Sheridan as Oliver’s father Robert. And earlier this week, Amell released his own teaser pic that strongly hinted at a Deathstroke cameo (although it’s unclear if original portrayer Manu Bennett was under the mask).
There are also strong indications that Katie Cassidy — who was killed offArrow last spring but now has a series regular deal across all the CW hero shows — will turn up in some capacity.
The CW superhero slate kicks off its new seasons starting Tuesday, Oct. 4 (with The Flash), followed by Arrow(Wednesday, Oct. 5), Supergirl(Monday, Oct. 10) and Legends of Tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 13)

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