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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 20 September 2016

I Get The VIP Invites....but the bus journey!

Yep, this week (and it's only Tuesday) I have had three official invites as a VIP to official European comic events -one being via Corps Diplomatique (Diplomatic Corps).

One is for a big French cultural comic art event in...New York City.  Yes, a VIP invite to a New York event.  Of course, I refused politely -these things are so passe!  But kidding aside, if the events were in the UK no problem as I still need to get my passport sorted.  Sadly, the no. 24 bus route does not go past any of these venues.

But it is nice to be recognized and invited.

Oh, and the beard is a bit shorter now. Never EVER play around with high powered lazer death rays.

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