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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 16 September 2016

Claude Hulbert (1942)

The famous Associated Press editor, Cordwell, was so taken by George Wakefield's art style that he urged all contributors to Film Fun to copy it (rather as Tom Browne's style was copied for decades).

Tom Radford had been drawing sets (strips) since 1909 -his first known work was for Butterfly.  He is said to have continued working on a number of titles until 1938. You can see the Wakefield influence, though.  In fact, a Radford set of Hulbert from May, 1940, looks cruder. And that was after his last (alleged) comic work.  His brother William ("Bill")  had a similar style which created confusion at AP.

We know William was dead by 1975 when his massive comics collection was sold off.  But we know nothing about the dates of either for birth nor deaths.  That was the comics business for you.

This is a classic set from a very dark time but if you look at it -and, say, the Laurel & Hardy sets from that period, you will see that this is George Wakefield's work -the hands and feet and even body 'moves' tell all.  Also, Wakefield drew Hulbert's famous snozz (nose) with more elegance.

This is from my battered 1942 Film Fun Annual.

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