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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 22 September 2016

It's The Incredibly Zip-Zapping Adventures Of The Zine Zone Zoot Suit Crew In....

...The Incredible Issue Two Screw-Up!

This adventure saw the ZZZSC disintegrate.   Jumping Joe had gone into exile in Sumatra.  The J fell into alcoholism and his world fell to pieces. 

"The Panting Pazzer" -"Old Slow Hand" (aka Paul Brown ) fell into tortured depression....all part of the devastatingly dark and deadly plan of the foe who had lurked in the shadows and had not revealed himself until this Final Crisis Zero Point...


Super Hooper (aka Terry Hooper -but you probably guessed that anyway, right?) was The Human Dynamo (and very attractive as it happens) was unaware of what was happening.  He had re-arranged his 105 comic boxes while finishing off the never-to-be printed Outlaws Of The Urban Forest

Boy M (Hooper's little brother Mike -bear with me as it all gets explained) was basking in the idolation (is that right or is it "idleation"?  Could be "idolizing" but that's not important -this is the internet) of the Great One's work when into the apartment burst one Darron Rolph Travers Northall -this is where the story begins so....

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