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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 24 February 2012


PRESS RELEASE: February 15th 2012
‘Tales of The Buddha Before He Became Enlightened’
By Alan Grant, Jon Haward, & Jamie Grant.

Renegade Arts Entertainment are very pleased to announce that they will be publishing
the first ever complete collection of Alan, Jon and Jamie’s long running humour strip
‘Tales of The Buddha Before He Became Enlightened.’

Collecting the entire 66 page saga initially for digital release in April, followed by a print
release in the autumn. ‘Tales of the Buddha’ answers the much asked questions about just
what this holiest of men got up to before gaining enlightenment.

The strips take a very lighthearted approach to Buddha’s journey of discovery as he
samples other religions and hangs out with well known religious icons, as well as getting
the chance to experience life’s pleasures along the way.

Alexander Finbow: Publisher
I’ve been aware of the strips for a long time thanks to Wasted magazine and working with
Alan, and I was intrigued when the guys suggested we release the collection through
Renegade. I sat down with the strips to get up to speed and found myself laughing out
loud which was reason enough to say yes straight away.

Alan Grant: Writer
“I am overjoyed that Renegade will be releasing Tales of the Buddha as an e-book. I
consider it to be my funniest work since the sad demise of Lobo Monthly. It contains
some of Jon Haward’s most beautiful and delicate art, with colouring and lettering by
Jamie Grant of Superman fame. Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll…with a smattering of
violence. My copy is already ordered!”

Jon Haward: artist
“Very pleased that after 10 years, the Buddha’s tales has a publisher with ‘faith’ in the
crazy funny tales written by my inspirational friend Alan Grant. It’s been a total joy and
honour to work on these stories, I have laughed at every story and I hope the collection
will entertain & raise a smile for all readers, let the enlightenment begin!”

About the creators

Alan Grant
Alan is without doubt one of the most successful and prolific comic book writers in the
industry. Having written many stories for the UK’s 2000ad including the man himself,
Judge Dredd. His work then found an international audience at DC Comics, with Lobo,
Batman and The Demon amongst his many successes

Jon Haward
In 25yrs in the publishing world Jon has worked on iconic comic titles including: Judge
Dredd, Dan Dare, Spectacular Spider-man, Shinobi, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles,
Warhammer, Mutant Chronicles, Thunderbirds, Classical Comics Macbeth, and Dr Who.

We are a creator owned publisher of comic books, but only a few and we are very
discerning with our choices. Our mix so far has been from experienced A list writers and
artists and newer blood who pitched projects just too good to turn down.

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