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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 16 March 2012



978-1-907704-32-1 • 170 x 230 mm • 52 pages
£8.50 • Audience: 16 & up
Coming out on March 19, 2012
“The painfully realistic story of a jobless, girlfriendless twenty-something bear who likes nothing more than to play Nintendo Wii, hang out with his slacker chums and hopelessly try and win over the girl he fancies.”
Design Week
Meet Leeroy, a twenty-something bear, unsure about where he’s heading in life. He doesn’t have a job, he doesn’t go to university and he definitely doesn’t have any kind of plan outside of hanging out with his dinosaur buddy Popo. Wasting away their days together, they laze about, smoke weed, play way too many video games and generally avoid anything that might be construed as work.
In Leeroy and Popo, we join the dilatory duo as they overcome obstacles as serious as sustaining injuries from excessive Nintendo Wii Sports use and strive for goals as triumphant as trying to win Leeroy the affections of Cecilia, the cute girl who works in the local coffee shop.
Comprised of several self-contained episodes of stoned musing, awkward dates, Facebook surfing and more, Leeroy and Popo’s adventures — or lack thereof — layer together to create a brilliantly-observed, affectionately sardonic portrait of slacker subculture in the 21st Century. Readers are sure to see a familiar face or two within the book’s cast of legendary loafers, if not their own.
Loose but confident linework, subtle colour palettes, and a brilliant sense of humour are what make me love the illustrations of Louis Roskosch.
John Martz, Drawn!
Knights, dragons, robots, damsels in distress and damsels causing distress. His work is provocative, simple, attractive, and inspirational.
Fred McCoy, Creative Fluff Magazine
Louis Roskosch graduated from Bournemouth Arts Institute in 2007 with a degree in Animation.
After spending some time working in Shanghai as an animator, he returned to Dorset where he
lives now, working as a comic book artist and freelance illustrator.
• Nobrow, established in 2008, is an independent graphic arts and comic publisher based in Shoreditch, London. Heralded for fine production values, quality design and a commitment to exciting new talent, the company has fast become regarded as a leader in its field. For more information, please read this articlerecently published on Publishers Weekly.
• Leeroy and Popo is part of Nobrow’s Serial Box series, set up to encourage young comic book artists to explore narratives, worlds and characters that stretch over a series of comics which are released in instalments every six months.
• An integral part of Nobrow’s ongoing expansion into the Franco-Belgian comics market, a French edition of Leeroy and Popo is currently being produced in-house for a release in May 2012

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