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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 12 March 2012

Leeds Alternative Comics Fair 3 -Saturday 28th April!

The Leeds Alternative Comics Fair is back once more on Saturday 28th April, and the fourth fair is once again going to be held at A Nation of Shopkeepers, which has proved itself an ideal venue with its great atmosphere, interesting food menu and a well-stocked bar.

We’re sticking with the same formula as the previous fairs with a diverse selection of creators from the North of England, keeping it intimate in scale so that attendees can have a good look at everything on offer, get to have a chat to the exhibitors and choose from a wide range of comics along with badges, posters, cards and other handmade items direct from their makers.

Exhibitors at the fair this time include John Allison, Oliver East, James Downing, Kristyna Baczynski, Dan Berry, Adam Cadwell, Gary Bainbridge and Andy ‘Hexjibber’ Sykes, organisers Steve Tillotson and Hugh Raine plus more yet to be confirmed.

It’s on from 12 noon until 5pm and as usual the event is completely free to enter, so come along, have a browse, a chat, a drink and a fish finger sarnie.

Find us online at,

Facebook search “Leeds Alternative Comics” or tweet us @leedsaltcomics
Steve Tillotson
banal pig comics

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