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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 3 September 2016

Falco - A Fantastically Falco Extravaganza Saturday

Right, I got far too fan-boy when I wrote my piece so let's leave it up to Wikipedia shall we?

Johann (Hans) Hölzel (19 February 1957 – 6 February 1998), better known by his stage name Falco, was an Austrian singer, songwriter and rapper.
Falco had several international hits, "Rock Me Amadeus", "Der Kommissar", "Vienna Calling", "Jeanny", "The Sound of Musik", "Coming Home (Jeanny Part II, One Year Later)" and posthumously, "Out of the Dark". "Rock Me Amadeus" reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts in 1986, making him the only artist whose principal language was German to score a vocal number-one hit in the United States (Bert Kaempfert reached No. 1 in January 1961 with the instrumental "Wonderland by Night"). According to his estate, he has sold 20 million albums and 15 million singles, which makes him the best-selling Austrian singer of all-time.
Another life lost through stupidity.  But we have his music!

The late GREAT Falco!  The Jeanny Trilogy.

Part 2:

Part 3 (completed after his death).

And, we MUST have Vienna Calling! Wonderful.

Yes, just for YOU. The classic.....(Live and video)

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