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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 3 January 2019

India, China, Hong Kong & overseas Comics

I have always prided myself on keeping up-to-date with comics outside the UK.  Years ago it was easy as comic fans could exchange comic book packages.

Then the UK Royal Mail specifically raised its postal rates so high that this became very expensive.  In fact, increased postal rates in the UK drove many small businesses...out of business because mail order was how they operated.  Now the Royal Mail is paying in spades because more people are turning to courier services.

Still private courier services are a little too expensive for comic swops!

Buying from India or Hong Kong or even Singapore was not too bad.  However, in the last couple of years anything other than an item marked "gift" coming into the UK has been taxed -usually more than what you are buying cost -ask anyone into certain crafts or collecting and most will tell you how they have had to stop.  If you have the money try YesAsia!

or Asiapac Books

So I am so far behind in what comics are published outside the UK now -last year (I think) I did my look at what Russian comics I had including my Russian Tarzan collection and I looked at my Indian comic collection also.

AsiaPac Books, Raj and Diamond Comics -I am out of date by at least 7-8 years!

It's an awful time to be a comic fan!

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