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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 10 March 2019

in memoriam You Tube Comic Book Videos

Officially announcing the death of You Tube comic book videos.

SJW and anti SJW rants got boring fast and when they all started fighting amongst themselves the falseness was up in 10 foot neon lights.

"I got this comic -it'll be worth a squazillion bucks in a few years!" and "THESE are the new books you need to invest in!" are just idiots who fool themselves that any Silver Age or Bronze age comic will be worth a lot -as soon as the many thousands of other copies a hundred years!

People who loved comics and wanted feedback from viewers -gone. Various reasons but what we have left is piss poor. As soon as it gets to worrying about stats that's the end.

The alleged You Tube Comic Community was never a community after the first few years when people drifted away. For five -5- straight years I posted to the YTCC and the responses in all that time....not one. Same with comic blogs.

It was a good run for a few years and it survived spammers, trolls and so on but I think boredom just set in. 5 years ago I had a watch list of 25 channels. 

Today there is one left...every few months one You Tuber produces a new video and that is it.

in memoriam You Tube Comic Book Videos

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