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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Listen very carefully -I shall only say this once!

I fell asleep at 0430 hours and woke at 0625 hours and realised that Theresa May really is the Prime Minister this country needs.  Like Robert the Bruce and that bloody spider it seems the Brexit Plan rejected twice is going for a third vote.  I then checked all the other news and decided that escaping into a world of comics and figure painting was  best.

Comic drawing has been non-existent, however. This is the position my hand/fingers are currently in.

Yes, my stiff little chubby sausages are stuck like that so I have been trying to see whether I can get them to hold pens and pencils again by painting miniature figures.  Imagine someone stamping on your hand continuously after you've drawn a panel on a page -you'll be getting there. My increasing difficulty in walking means I am perfectly suited to sitting on my arse drawing though.

Hopefully this answers two questions; why haven't I produced any new art and why do  I keep pushing Black Tower books (I am the publisher for one thing) it is my only income -and having sold one book in February it's nothing to survive on.

So you now know a little more.  That and $200,000,000 will make you rich!!

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