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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 10 January 2023


Author: Franquin, Yann & Batem
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: August 2022

ISBN: 9781800440692£7.99 inc. VAT

In Chiquito, capital of Palombia, there are nasty rumours flying of numerous orphans and poor kids going missing. And indeed, one evening, the son of a rich family is kidnapped along with a handful of street urchins after he sneaked out of school. The children are soon put to work in a clandestine gold mining camp. But the illegal prospectors are horrible polluters, and that’s already brought them into a very angry Marsupilami’s sights …

Terrible when you get older and see the darker side in these things.  However, we are here for fun and Marsupilami is all about getting things sorted out while having fun!"  

Batem's artwork always looks "busy" and the panels seem to be crammed but when you look at them you realise they are not...well, in a way but only what is needed is in each panel and I do wonder what size paper he draws these pages on?  The colour work by Cerise just adds more to each page and that makes this the type of book kids will love.

The script is, as usual, is minimal on dialogue (as would be expected) but the characters from the kids, Marsupilami (of course) and the villains are well rounded -if you can call a rather anarchic Marsupilami "rounded" without angering it!  Hopefully my great nephews and great niece enjoy the book as much when passed on to them.

Again, the recommendation for kids of all ages!

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