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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 5 October 2014

Nope. Not Writing About it Yet

I have had three "sent by mobile" messages since yesterdays BCZF.  Apparently, people who read CBO decided to go along and even looked at books at my table but didn't want to say "hello"...but they'll mail me after??!

"Your books didn't look like anything else there"/"Some weird stuff" -I'll come back to this when I write a post about this event which has, after thirty plus years, killed my support for the UK Small Press.

At the moment I am still angry but mundane and prosaic seem to sum things up.  The organisers -Simon particularly is a great guy and I like him and what happened should be absolutely no reflection on him or the others.

Just very angry.


  1. Oh bugger. "Some weird stuff" & "You're books didn't look like anything else there" is positive. If your material looks different it'll catch peoples attention; good. I'm disappointed and very sorry that things at this event caused you so much trouble. Talk to soon.

  2. Oh, YOU have nothing to complain about. I'm writing you a letter to explain all but you did well. Oooh, cryptic.

  3. Great. I could do with some good news - I just seem to be lurching from bad to worse here. It's reaching comedy levels. Anyway, don't sweat the mart. The fact that the two groups on either side of your table knew you enough to make 'snarky' remarks is a ( rather backhanded ) compliment to CBO and yourself. I forget who said it, but "Notoriety, I can live with; fame, I'd love, but indifference would be unbearable." Anyway. Off for a bit. Toodloo.

  4. PS Just noticed 18 members following you now. Good.
    Oh. And as for people you know on Facebook not acknowledging you when you said hello - they were just nervous in the face of a graphic art god. Sorry - that needs caps. Graphic Art GOD. There, now that looks better. Talk to you soon.
