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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 14 August 2015

The Avengers are re-assembling earlier than expected on Blu-Ray


Here's the official blub:

The Avengers are re-assembling earlier than expected on Blu-Ray

The Avengers will be tackling Ultron in the comfort of your home on September 8th for Digital Download, and the Blu Ray/3D and DVD sets will be on shelves September 14th. Ultron was originally due to hit in October, but this change seems to be bringing it closer to Agent Carter, and Agents of SHIELD hitting disc around the same time.

But why almost two months early? Well, the movie got beaten by the Jurassic Park movie and never made as much as Disney wanted and Disney loves money more than a blue bird sitting on its shoulder. Foot-stamping.

Not having seen the movie I'm wondering whether to wait until they get it right -you know, add more footage and not waste of time "deleted scenes"?  Nah, I'll wait for the dvd price drop on Amazon.




 下面是官方的泡壳:复仇者重新组装早于预期蓝光复仇者9月8日将解决ULTRON在你家的舒适数字下载和蓝光/ 3D和DVD套,将成为货架上9月14日。ULTRON原本将于10月份打,但这种变化似乎更接近其推向卡特探员,和盾击盘代理商大约在同一时间, 但为什么近两个月的时间早?好了,电影被打的侏罗纪公园电影从未不亚于迪斯尼希望和迪斯尼爱钱超过蓝鸟坐在它的肩膀。跺脚。 由于没有看过电影,我不知道是否等待,直到他们得到它的权利-你知道,添加时间更多素材,而不是浪费“删除场景”?不,我等在亚马逊的DVD价格下降。 :-P

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