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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 17 December 2015

My Excess: David Gordon's Groove Tube Memories 2

Groove Tube 2
114 Pages 
Price: £9.99 (excl. VAT)
Ships in 3-5 business days.
Volume 2 of Dave Gordon's movie and tv related sketchbook. Bringing to life characters from everything from The Wizard of Oz to Guardians of the Galaxy
I'll say this, David Gordon can certainly draw hair!  No joke.  Getting hair to actually look like hair is something even  some of the best comic artists fell short on.  Farrah Fawcett, Cheryl Ladd, Traci Lords (if you have no idea who Traci Lords are very innocent!), Toni Basil -now THERE is a memory! Summer Glau, Carrie Fisher -there are some hair styles and wonderfully rendered.

Everyone knows I'm crap at remembering names, right?  That made it slightly worse for me because I recognised every image on the pages barring one (I have no idea who Traci Lords is) and those whose names are embedded no problem.  But others my head flashed up images from TV and movies and I sat like a dope thinking "Awww, what is her name? She was in--?" ahem.  I didn't notice all the images are identified at the bottom of the page.

I'm old -right!

I think you have images in here for horror, comedy, Sci fi and other genre fans (I really have no idea where to put Traci Lords...): Conan, Alien, Farscape (a great gallery!!) , Blade Runner, Blake 7, Space 1999, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Videodrome, Chucky, Star Wars -quite a gallery- Giger, DeVito (Penguin) and Pfeiffer (Catwoman), Mad Max (the original of course), Big Trouble In Little China, Charlie's Angels, Superman (christopher Reeves of course) and Zod (Stamp), Super Girl (Helen -sigh-Slater), Terminator, Ghost-Busters, a nice Dr Who gallery, Yul Brynner (West World), Jeff Bridges, Divine (Harris Glenn Milstead), David Bowie, John Lennon, Toyah Wilcox, Kate Bush, Betty Grable, Heddy Lamarr, Judy Garland, Greta Garbo (oooh), Cary Grant, Kenny Everett, Joan Rivers, Benny Hill and more.

This really is an incredible "Memory" book.  And, if you don't want to commission an illo, then scan and print the one you want from here and put it on a black border...instant art that people WILL comment on. But they'll comment more if it's a commission piece....

I've gone through this book FIVE times and I only got it yesterday!  It has put a few smiles on my face which is a rarity these days.

David Gordon is just so ****** talented.  There are other books on his store front and the powerful Cosmic Oddity I will NEVER stop pushing at people -a review here:

And check out Book 1 of Groove Tube Memories. Plain lovely!

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