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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 3 September 2016

So, Did Natalie Portman Leave The MMU or Was She Pushed it a lame story?

Not sure why everyone seems to be insisting that Natalie Portman was either (1) booted out of the Marvel Movie Universe or (2) Left angry.

Fandom Wikia explains it but their headline is a little deceptive (but a few sites have done exactly the same -hence rumours because people never read the story?) since it is taken out of context:

Image result for Natalie Portman Thor
Natalie Portman: ‘I’m Done’ with Marvel Movies

August 20, 2016
Looking forward to seeing Chris Hemsworth’s Thor with his ladylove Jane on the big screen in future, you should probably just forget about it. Actress Natalie Portman (scientist Jane Foster in Thor and Thor: The Dark World) says she won’t appear in any of the future films currently planned for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Speaking with the Wall Street Journal this week, Portman explains that her time with the Odinson ended in The Dark World and she’s not planning to return. “As far as I know, I’m done,” Portman said. “I don’t know if, maybe, one day they’ll ask for an Avengers 7 or whatever. I have no idea. But, as far as I know, I’m done.”
Jane Foster first paired with the god of thunder in the comics in 1962. She ended up with Thor’s powers twice, first in 1978 and then again in 2015. Foster’s been a constant presence on the page and the character is integral to the first two movies as well. 

First, in Thor, she helped him adjust to life on Midgard (Earth) and the pair became romantic. Then, in the second film, Jane finds herself at the center of a cosmic convergence that threatens all life. She travels to Asgard, meets Thor’s mom and dad and then finds out she’s infected with something that could poison all the realms.

As much as fans would like to see her, working Jane Foster into the third movie in the series would not be easy. Thor: Ragnarok, currently filming in Australia, doesn’t focus on Earth at all. Instead, it pairs the character with the Hulk on a planet in a different part of the cosmos. Early hints suggest the story will integrate portions of the Planet Hulkcomics into what’s described as a “buddy movie” and a “road movie” in space. As a result, Foster just doesn’t fit the narrative. Furthermore, Thor seems destined for a new love interest in the film. The hero Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) is slated to appear portrayed by Tessa Thompson.
Image result for Natalie Portman Thor
Meanwhile, Portman says she’s focusing on smaller films. She’s working on a bio-pic about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She’s also set to appear as former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in the film Jackie. Jackie will premiere at the Venice Film Festival at the end of August.

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