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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 26 May 2019

CBOs First Post!

On the 1st November, 2010, the first post was published on Blogger on what was then the "back-up" CBO site.  Too many views on WordPress had resulted in the site crashing a few times and WP insisted that I somehow stop people reading the blog in such high numbers! :-)

This was that post:

Merriwether [Vol.1] Pages
Three pages from the above titled book published in 2009 and up-dated and published in a second edition this year.
I ought to address a few questions about the Good Reverend.

Firstly, how did I go about creating him? Well,I once lived next to a church and on one occasion saw a group of clergymen of all shapes and sizes. However,one was at least 6.5 feet tall-that’s about 1.82m. He had greased back hair and rounded spectacles. Thing was this Reverend was also skinny. I thought “If he had some muscle on him he’d look impressive!”

When I decided that I needed back-up strips for Black Tower Adventure in 1992 I thought that a demon-thumping Christian would be great. However,I wanted to avoid the cliche of a Roman Catholic priest and thought “Why not a Church of England vicar?” Yes,the soppy, liberal Church of England was going to become hardcore (and we're not talking mucky videos here!).

So I beefed up (is everything sounding like a double entendre?) the tall vicar and immediately his name came to me.
The series was to have been much longer with the warning given in “The Horror Of Hobb street” coming to pass [buy the book and see what I mean]. Vampires,werewolves,a village of demons and then I thought to myself that the series needed to end quickly (for personal reasons I'll not go into here). And so,the Very Reverend Merriwether confronted the ultimate evil -Satan himself!

And if you’ve bought the book you’ll see how that ends.

After drawing this I was given a batch of old videoes which included End Of Days starring the 20th Century's greatest action hero -Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ahh,luckily I’d not seen the film before that final Merriwether strip was drawn!

That said, Arnie is too short to be Merriwether.
Just how much about that vicar is true I have no idea. In my "previous occupation" I met a lot of clergy. I think I was mostly typing to get a new blog established and then get back to the real one -I think it had 4 million(?) views at the time.  Then, of course, it was sold from under me. So, it was quite lucky that I started this blog with 0 views!

The next post looked at Stan Lee's Airwalker character at Archie Comics and then Archie's introduction of 50 new pupils in its Riverdale High. That was back when Archie was still loyal to those who continued to push their books before they got "cool" and then dropped their old supporters.  Comics, heh?

It is interesting to find that I mentioned in 2010 how different Blogger was to WordPress.  With WP I was getting comments daily -sometimes 4-10 or more but with  Still -comics, heh?

The other thing that surprised me was how many times I offered Black Tower titles for free and got not one single response! In fact, twice I was given books by other companies to give away "first come....first gets" as promotions and got zero response!! For that reason I declined later company offers. But, comics, heh?

There must be a real life out there waiting for me.....right?

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