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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 18 May 2019

Support Queers. Support Blacks. Who Cares If They Can Write or Draw Comics??

I just got several emails offering me the opportunity to "Support Queers in comics"


I don't have any political agenda and over the years my bias towards giving female creators a break or promoting them has gotten me a lot of negativity.  I don't care.

Before "Queers" it was "Blacks" and others I forget.

I do not care whether you are "black", "white", "yellow" in skin tone.  I do not care if you are hetero, gay, lesbian, bi, tri or any other kind of "sexual".  You are human -get over yourself.

Can you write a draw comics? Are you any good? Do you need help in getting people to see your work?  THAT is what I care about.

Again, none of these people "giving" me this "opportunity" have ever in any way supported myself or CBO or my books. 

"Me, me, me -who cares about you?!!" There is your social problem.

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