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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 12 May 2019

Kult Creations: Reverend Cross 007

Black & White
US size
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This is another anthology issue (who's complaining?) featuring four self-contained adventures written by none other than John A. Short and all wrapped up in a David Hitchcock cover so there.

Art by: Aaron Murphy and I really do like the art here -very clean, very nice. If you ever wondered J how  Abby Cross was recruited to the secret supernatural warfare department of the Church of England then this flashback will fill you in. Featuring the Archbishop of Canterbury no less but failing on the incognito scale!

The  layouts are by the wondrous Gabby Noble and finished art is by Andrew Richmond -sadly Noble does not contribute a full strip in this issue. In this flashback story we see Abby in training. It involves nothing less than a fire demon in a gas works which could to be as explosive as my legendary trip to Marvel UK (but let us NOT speak of that dark day).


Art by  Gabby Noble -did I say that she did not contribute a full strip in this issue? Well, all I can say is that the Devil made me write that.  Honest. It's what he does...

Anyway, in this story a demon has claimed the soul of Ozzy Osbourne! Ozzy feckin Osbourne -I mean, WHERE was Sharon?? Anyway, Abby is alerted to the danger but can she save Ozzy without any of her weapons?

HOW could you not love this strip? The art is great and it's a fun story has Ozzy in it -I hope he gets to see this.  It reminded me of the good old comic days when pop stars and actors and other celebrities (even Jerry Lewis) cameod in comics. Possibly my favourite strip of the comic.


None other than the legend that is Richard Pester does the art on this story set at the bottom of the ocean with a cursed mummy case and a mutant shark.  Just another day at the office for Reverend Cross except that she is not in any office and is undersea -see, the Devil is trying to confuse us but he failed as we all know (those of us still compos mentis) that you would certainly NOT find a dangerous shark in any office....but it is a mutant...

Anyway, escaping the confusion I have to say that this is my favourite strip in the comic. If I  have already written that it shows how confused I's what the Devil leaving dribble on your pillow at night.
The stories are all fun.  That is the point -fun. John A. Short (he is well over 2 metres tall so not that short) writes snappy little short stories and gets people who are able to add to them with nice art. 

But I do have a serious complaint (not that one -the cream is working well on it): it is all far too short (no pun intended but if you laughed I'll take the credit).  You reach the final page then get depressed so have to go back to page 1 again (I've done that three times so far)! 

Reverend Cross provides fun and good stories/art and that is an end to it. Recommend it?  Well of course I recommend it -I'm not insane (I have NEVER been sectioned!!|).  Buy a copyt and if you do not then the Lord have mercy on your soul -it you have one!

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