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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 15 May 2019

No Takers?

A couple weeks ago I published the post (below). Not a single response from UK or outside UK creators. I think this just goes to prove (AGAIN) just how dead the 'thriving British comics industry' is.

You read or hear people repeating that 'thriving British comics industry' line then you are dealing with a fantasist at best ....or someone not quite "there".

UK Artists, UK Super Heroes --?

It seems that my Tweet yesterday confused some.  Well, for one thing I am not a 'celebrity' and I never posted anything racially offensive or tried to jump into that little storm in an egg cup. Anyone remember egg-cups?

Anyhow, what I was asking was simple. In the UK we have a fine tradition of super heroes who are from the UK and based in the UK and created by UK people going back to Super Adventure Stories and The Red Dragon to Sugar Glider, the O Men, Alpha Omega Collection and a few others. Okay, hop occasionally into space or some other dimension but why leave the UK?

What I had in mind was for UK creators to send an illo of their character(s) and maybe some strip art to show what they are doing. Big enough audience here and why not?

Of course, if you are from outside the UK then there is no reason why you should not get in touch if you are creating heroes based in YOUR country.

All part of the Positive Comics Initiative.

Get in touch if interested at

Stay Cheeky!

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