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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Cinebook The 9th Art: MERMAID PROJECT 2 - EPISODE 2

Authors: Leo & Corine Jamar; illustrated by Fred Simon
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: April 2019 
ISBN: 9781849184038 
 £6.99 inc. VAT
Now attached to French intelligence, Romane is training hard with agent El Malik and Delph, a genetically modified Dolphin with extraordinary mental abilities. The goal of their coming mission: to infiltrate the premises of Algapower, the company at the heart of their investigation, and find clues as to its actual activities – in particular the mysterious Mermaid Project. 

What is the aim of Algapower’s genetic research? Time is running short... 

There is that slight Manga style used here  that I referred to in the review of volume 1:"the art is almost Manga-like and that is something I am not too keen on.  However, it did not put me off of reading this and ignoring the "inconsequentials"!" That review can be found here:

The art style has grown on me somewhat as the story by Leo and Jamar is well paced and I have to say that I LOVED that last page. A real "Wow" moment! 

I was asked after reviewing book 1 "How long does this story run for?" I know that a lot of people can be attracted to the shorter run series so Cinebook might bring a few more customers on board if they give out that sort of info because I do not know so...stop asking me!

It is turning into  good series and all I can do is recommend it to you comic collectors because YOU may like it even more than I do!


1 comment:

  1. That's five volumes for the "first season" (self-contained, complete story). All are already available in digital format and coming out in print now.
    There's a "second season" currently being published in French that we're planning on translating: Mutations, announced in three volumes.

