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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 15 May 2019

For Those Interested: The Green Skies WILL Be Completed This Year!

Published on the Black Tower  Face Book page.

When I posted this item on CBO in June 2018 I knew there might be a problem or two.

The Dupuytren contracture seems to have joined forces with the fibromyalgia and just trying to draw a panel results in the mild sensation of someone stamping on your hand repeatedly! 
The hand problem means that using a brush for any work is no longer possible as I do not have the free movement of the wrist or fingers like I used to. I have yet to try out pens.

Humorously, Paul Ashley Brown has noted that it seems almost "fitting" that I of all people should have two fingers (see the attached photos) permanently in the "V" sign.  

But the Green Skies should have seen publication in June 2014. So things have caused "slight delays".

I have just gone through the already existing pages and removed some 20. The reason is that there was a good bit of poking fun at politicians and with the delays the mayor of London is no longer Boris Johnson. Gordon Brown, David Cameron and others have gone and I said no more redraws -NOTHING I do could satirise what politicians are doing to themselves these days.

Which leaves 420 pages and a few bridging pages need to be added and that will be it.
I have determined that I AM going to finish this final part of the trilogy and it has to be this year before my hands give up completely.

So keep popping by for updates.

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