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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art: THE BLUECOATS 12 - THE DAVID

Authors: Lambil & Cauvin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: January 2019 
ISBN: 9781849184304
 £6.99 inc. VAT
Even as the sea blockade by the Union Navy slowly strangles the South, the picket ships begin to mysteriously blow up one after another. Lincoln, worried that the war could stretch on too long if the Rebels are resupplied, orders that the Confederates’ secret weapon be identified. 

That means sending spies to Charleston, though, in the heart of the enemy’s territory. And who will be the two unlucky fools the brass entrusts with such a dangerous mission … ?

If you don't know which duo then you have never read one of these books! There is the usual slap-stick comedy with Blutch as the 'blindman' pushing a 'crippled' Sarge in a wheel-chair...come on;comedy gold!   Blutch has, because of non-stop combat also developed a death-wish...which oddly has its funny side.

These are not history books but you do learn a few things. They are not something that you do not want your kids to read either -quite the opposite!

It's adventure and fun all the way.  Blutch seems to scream all the way,too!

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