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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 8 August 2019

Kult Creations: Diabolica Down the Rabbit Hole

 Writer John A. Short
 Artist David Hitchcock
Magazine size

 From the team behind The Sixpenny Murder comes a new tale of Victorian horror! There are three variant covers and I got the one with the maid on. Neat.

What is it all about?  This will tell you:
Imagine this as a cross between The X-Men (original series) and the TV series Sanctuary.  The story is good and John Short has proven he can write a long time ago.  The art is excellent and worked well with the story. 

It reminded me somewhat of the old Charlton Comics horror titles or earlier Marvel Comics horror books. From me that is a compliment. I cannot really give too much away but there is a criticism I have about a few of these John short comics: there are not enough pages.  You get to the final page and stamp your foot and shout "I want more!!" but that's it.  Not sure if this is a cruel ploy to keep us wanting more or not...but it's cruel!

I read this.  Then re-read looking more at the artwork and then re-read again at about 0300 hrs. I would very much recommend this book!

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