PLEASE Consider Supporting CBO

Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 1 August 2019

To Patreon or Not To Patreon?

Someone, who obviously does not bother reading CBO, suggested that I ought to try Patreon to get funding to continue with the blog and produce more new material and videos.

It was a well intentioned suggestion but there is a problem with it.  Some 15,000 people visited CBO last month (July). And that is the artificially low Blogger figures.  You look to the right of this page you will see a PayPal box for people to donate to the ongoing work of CBO. In 3(?) years not a penny has dropped.

I do not like free money. I have always said that people who enjoy the blog can support it by buying books from the online store then they get something for their money. However, someone I know suggested the donation box.

With 15,000 people last month ignoring it I think that proves a point.  If people will not buy books to support my work and do not donate then I doubt very much that anyone out there gives a cussing damn about a Patreon being set up.

With everything Patreon involves it would be a lot of time and effort to keep seeing £00.00 -I get that with the PayPal donation box! :-)

So, no, I will not be trying Patreon as I am failing on every attempt to finance things -No one is interested...unless I was an attractive cosplayer offering T&A Not Safe For Work "specials" -oh yes they do and if you do not know that then you are blinkered.

Hmm...would anyone be interested if I...

NO!  There is enough scary stuff in the world.

So, unless you are just a taker, please do consider buying books or donating. And it is okay -I am not holding my breath :-)  :-)

Zine Zone 8's Play-Ed of the Month (June) from 1988 and drawn by Ben Dilworth....want more? Pay!!

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