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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 13 August 2019

The world will never know my greatness!

Having burnt some 40 years worth of excess scripts and artwork a couple weeks back I decided to look at what was left.

There are the ideas and rough scripts produced for sci fi/horror TV shows before companies decided to switch to "reality TV" shows.  Even the Carry On Quizzing idea and format based around the British Carry On film series -and Questers a seek and find show but with a twist.

Comic scripts and ideas I have -had- too many but enough to keep any publisher going for a year or two!

I have decided NOT to write things down and build up more boxes of material that will never get used. For example it got "a bit windy" over the weekend and as I dealt with a fallen tree I had three more new story ideas.  This morning before I woke I had three dreams and those alone would make for good horror/ghost stories.

I have tried NOT to think about these ideas 


I can't turn it off.

However, paying work in TV or comics is rare these days so the world will never know my greatness! 

:-) :-)

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