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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 7 August 2019


Between 1984-1994 I worked freelance as a writer/artist/editor/agent in comics as well as comics journalism for MU Press, Blue Comet Press, Fantagraphic Books, Eros Comics, Dorne, Fleetway, IPC and others in the United States, UK and Europe. During this period I also produced large numbers of single panel gag cartoons for agencies in Germany such as Boiselle-Lohmann and Baaske Agency –these going to magazines and publications around Europe. I also worked as a freelance editor in comics and publications ranging from wildlife, astronomy and science fiction magazines.
From 1984 to present I've been self publishing comics as well as publications on a wide variety of subjects under the Black Tower banner.
I have also produced packages of work for companies in India,Hong Kong and China. I have also been working as an industry adviser for smaller companies in countries such as India, Canada, Singapore, China, Europe and the US.
My online store currently has 9 pages with 90 graphic novels, comic albums, Haiku, illustrated prose covering super heroes, sci fi, horror, slice-of-life and British Golden Age reprint books not to mention anthology titles. 
There is the fully illustrated comic book creators interviews aptly titled The Hooper Interviews.
There are also "World Mysteries" books covering the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs and other solved/unsolved phenomena...including Spring Heeled Jack.
There is even a reprint on early hot air ballooning pioneers and history.
The "Nature Series" has two books -The Red Paper: Canids, looking at the history of foxes, wolves and jackals as well as other non native canids released into the UK and described by two veteran naturalists as "explosive" and The Girt Dog of Ennerdale -looking at the great mystery of 1810 -tiger, thylacine, hyena or...
Still open to paying projects with other publishers whether in the UK or overseas.
Please check out the store at this link:
Other information can be found on the Face Book Black Tower page (link to the right on blog roll).

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