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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 23 August 2019

"So what is your argument with Dark Horse comics then?"

"So what is your argument with Dark Horse comics then?" I was asked out of the blue.

To be honest I never knew I had a problem with the company but then I was told what I had written. It might be that the person who asked the question needs to re-read -carefully- what I wrote.

I mentioned, in more than one post, that I did not consider Dark Horse to be an "Independent Comics" publisher as is established by history: a very small, often single person owned and operated publishing house to which you can add low sales and often "very short of cash".

I exclude Dark Horse because their company has spawned movies, TV series and much much more over the years.  It certainly is not "very small" nor "very short of cash" which, honestly, is not an evil thing. The company should be proud of this.

In fact, I have given very good reviews of Dark Horse books I received (the last in 2014 -should I get angry about that? Grrrrr :-)

Dark Horse Comics: Gasoline Alley: The Complete Sundays Volume 2, 1923–1925

Dark Horse Comics: Alley Oop: The Complete Sundays Volume 1, 1934-1936

I even published press releases from them in 2014-2016 and I even reposted an interview with Dark Horse boss Mike Richardson -

An Artful Entrepreneur Finds Comic Book Success By Sarah E. Needleman from 2010 back in 2015

Distinguishing between companies that are mainstream and Independent is not -I really mean this- hating a company.  I have Dark Horse books on my shelves. A company is not obliged by law to send me review books nor press releases and the ansence of these on CBO does not mean that I hate them or have a grudge against them!

Image, Image Comics....GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!


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