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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 26 August 2019

SGCC hopes to connect aspiring creators with publishers with new initiative

If you’re an artist or comic writer looking for your big break, here’s your chance: The Singapore Comic Con (SGCC) is introducing a new initiative: The “Work In Progress” (WIP) programme with the hope of connecting aspiring creators and publishers.
The WIP programme will allow aspiring Southeast Asian creators to get talent spotted and published. Hopefuls can start submitting their work from Aug 29, and the work will then be vetted by well-known publishers such as Shogakukan Asia, Asiapac Books and Vividthree Productions + Darkbox Studio.
“Shogakukan Asia is pleased to work together with SGCC and fellow creators in the WIP programme,” said Bunsho Kajiya, Managing Director, Shogakukan Asia. “As the leading publisher of manga titles, Shogakukan Asia’s editors possess a treasure trove of experience and knowledge which we would like to impart to a new generation of local and regional talent.”
“We are delighted to be working with SGCC on this initiative to encourage aspiring creators in the region,” added Chong Lingying, Manager of Asiapac Books. “Our company has always been committed to nurturing emerging comic talent, having published early works of many successful and well-loved comic artists such as Wee Tian Beng (Singapore), Chan Kok Sing (Malaysia) and Hu Rong (Japan/China). WIP programme is a fantastic opportunity for artists to give their dream career a shot.”
Submissions whose entries display their passion in skill in original storytelling will get the opportunity to meet the publishers at SGCC, and stand a chance of getting published.
“Many of our fans don’t just gobble up comics and pop culture but are also aspiring creators with their own original ideas and unique stories to tell,” said Suhaimi Sainy, Senior Manager, Reed Exhibitions.
“We hope that with the WIP programme, we can unearth new talents, encourage people to explore opportunities to turn their passion into reality and make their dreams come true by turning their passion projects into published works,” he added.

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