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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 10 January 2012

L’Apollon de sang -”The Apollo Of Blood”

Authors: Patrick Weber , Jacques Martin , Olivier Easter

Series: Lois
Volume: 5
Pages: 48
Hard cover
Full colour
22.5 x 30.3 cms
Price: € 10.95
French language
Date of publication: 04/01/2012
  • ISBN: 2203026200
  • EAN: 9782203026209

The Adventures of Jacques Martin’s newest hero, Lois Lorcey, are set in the late eighteenth century, when Louis XIV reigned over France. Lois, himself,  is a young worker employed at Versailles whom the king confides in and entrusts various missions to.

Flanked by his two companions, Reix and Maxime Reaux, Lois Lorcey is in Rome on a mission for Louis XIV to acquire an ancient red marble statue that has captured Louis’s eye. However, these are not easy times and the diplomatic tensions between France and Spain are running high.  To say the least, the relationship between the “Sun King” and Pope Innocent XI make it difficult for Lois.  But other forces are at work.

No sooner does Lois  locate the statue he finds himself accused of murder by none other than the man who rules the trafficking in antiquities -the formidable Cardinal Andrea Farazzi.

I have to admit that on opening the book I was struck by the blue and white frontispiece illustration. Lovely detail.  That said, the rest of the book is just as good with all the intricate costume and architectural detail you expect from these European albums. At times it seems that every little nook and cranny is included in panels and the wonderful colour work adds to the feel.

I still ask:WHY can’t the UK produce books like this?  How do you get a copy?  Well, I doubt you’ll find them in the UK simply because “they’re foreign”.  I’ll be adding a link to the blog roll to Casterman’s home page but in these days of online shopping if you want something and shops won’t get it –go on the net.

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