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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Le Tueur 10:Le coeur à l’ouvrage/The Killer:The Heart To Work

Writer: Matz
Artist/colourist: Luc Jacamon
Full colour
Size: 27 x 30 cms
ISBN:  978-2-203-03179-1
10,96 Euros

This series of books is the autobiography of a professional killer. A solitary man, cold, methodical and thorough and with not a single scruple or regret.
We get to learn more about this killer through a series of flash-backs and his own words and what some might see as his implacable logic on life and what he does. Quite brutal but beautifully rendered by Jacamon.

Again, I find myself writing that we need to see this type of book in the English language.  The French seem to have mastered the political thriller genre with all of its twists, turns, double dealings and high octane action that never distract from the story.

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