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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 29 July 2013

Accent UK: Western Noir 2 -Crocodile Tears of the Louisianna Swampmen


Accent UK
Dave West (w)
Gary Crutchley (A)
US size
B&W & Grey tone
£3.50/ $5.00 US/ 5.00 Eur

My apologies for the small cover but my scanner has had a breakdown and the above is the only image I can find online -from the Accent UK site. If I can get a replacement image I’ll replace  it.
Now, I got two Western Noirs this week -volume 2 and volume 3. I thought that was quick publishing but I notice vol. 2 has a 2012 date. So, you probably know all about this book if you were a fan of the first. I could rave about VERY bad PR but I’m just too…well, I don’t care.
Thing is, if you have a good book like this you need to publicise it.  There has been a need for a good UK Western comic and this isn’t just that. I’d call it “Lee Van Cleef Does X-Files” -well, Josiah Black, the lead character, does remind me of the great man so that’s how I envisage this.
Sadly, Black’s latest mission for the mysterious Mr. Caligary does NOT involve wiping out any of those…’persons’ featuring on TV such as Swamp Rats or Gator Brothers. I say “sadly” because the only thing on their shows deserving of being wiped out are the people. Darn, getting too liberal.
There are a few nice twists here and Black is in the mold of the old Spaghetti Western anti heroes: single minded, cold and…a killer with a mission.
I like the crinkle look covers that make these look like old pulps and I really do think Accent UK need to seriously promote this series.
And to prove how good the book is, check out Paul H. Birch’s Speech Balloons blogs for his review:
Wanna see some art pages?




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