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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Who Guessed A Poppy Could Be Such Fun??

David Gordon
Black & White
40 Pages
The first volume of Poppy strips from Dave Gordon, including the first part of his Alice in Fetishland graphic novel starring the cast of Poppy.
Available from:

Well, this arrived on a bad day. That said, I did enjoy it. The wee Scots bastid’s art work is getting better and he really can draw women! I thought how the character, Poppy, got her job in a games store was quite amusing but there are some great Poppy-staff exchanges not to mention customer encounters (which I am informed are based on real incidents).
LOVED “Staple Diet”. Uh…”Special”….yes. I’ve met the type of person depicted. “GTA? GTF!!” -again, seen these types in game shops and as I VERY rarely go through a game shop I’m guessing there must be a LOT of them.  ”Soooo Good”….well, I started thinking “dirty little—” until I turned the page!!
I soooo understand “Really?” and “What?”…I think most comickers will.  ”Rolling” and “Tattoo” I laughed out loud to. I think its the new tablets but “Tattoo” -LOVE it! :-)
As for “Alice In Fetishland” –this should be in full colour and published by some European company. It’s far too good for British comic readers (who screamed??). And there is a lovely photo back cover of some of Dave’s Changeling dolls reading…Poppy and Changelings -what else?!
With Changelings I was stupidly surprised at the quality of story and art though I have no idea why. Maybe it’s because Dave has just said “**** it!” and decided to write and draw what he likes and wants to.  Poppy is pure fun and well observed and written as well as drawn.  For ***** sake -this man should be pulling in a good paycheque drawing comics and he’s stuck to his work despite all the utter crap he’s gotten.
This is a very enjoyable and highly recommended comic. You don’t grab a comic soon don’t bleat on about how you missed out. If this does not raise a smile or belly laugh or even a muttered “too true” I give up.
Now, I’ve just put on my shoes for sitting down so I’ll end here.

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