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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Comic Garden Events

This video shows what I mean by comic mart/con in your garden. These guys combined music, food and ...FUN.

In the UK it is so regulated by red tape it's near impossible to do this.

1.  You have to get every neighbour to say they don't mind (good luck with that).

2.  You have to ensure that vehicles and people do not overcrowd a place.

3.  You have to abide, if you are a local authority resident, by council rules and regulations and because we are talking council property you have to have insurance covering you for the minimum (this is silly) of £3 million ($7m).  Even a market trader has to have this coverage.

4.  All of the above and THEN you have to pray some jobs-worth bureaucrat will say "yes" because it is on Council property.

Yep, I've looked at this.

But if you can -do it!

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