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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Offworld -kickstarter for a new Sci Fi movie

Interesting item here -some of you attending events might know Terry as Cardiff Jack Sparrow (and he is good). 

Check it out (and I say nothing about newspapers reinforcing stereotypes..."mothersheep":

Get to the mothersheep! Plan to shoot sci-fi film in South Wales Valleys

OFFWORLD: Producers Adam Neal, left, and Terry Cooper.
OFFWORLD: Producers Adam Neal, left, and Terry Cooper.
A sci-fi aficionado has launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund his latest project, which will be filmed entirely in the South Wales Valleys.
Offworld- a survival movie set on an alien planet – is the brainchild of Terry Cooper, 46, from Ystrad Mynach.
Terry is a self-confessed lover of all things science fiction, and it was after his previous film, The Black Room, was accepted on to streaming service Amazon Prime last year that the idea for this latest project came about.
“Think Pitch Black meets The Walking Dead”, said Terry. “It’s a tale of survival, on a mysterious planet which is in the early stages of colonisation by the human race.”
Terry and fellow producer Adam Neal, 30, from Aberdare, began putting plans in place to transform their local area into an isolated planet.
Terry added: “I’ve wanted to film something like this since I was a teenager, making Super 8 movies with toy guns and running around forests.
“And it’s surprising how much interest there has been from local people who find out there is a film being made on their doorstep.
“People may be able to recognise landmarks in the film, but at the same time we’re making a sci-fi film, so it’s our job to make it unrecognisable.”
With a cast of ten actors, a computer animation department, and locations being provided free of charge by Caerphilly County Borough Council, Terry and Adam plan to raise upwards of £2,000 through their Kickstarter campaign, which began on Thursday September 1.
Co-producer Adam added: “If anyone would like to get involved, they can join in the Kickstarter, to help us make the best film we can.
“Our cast are fantastic, and we can’t wait to start filming.”
Further details about the film can be found at

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