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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 2 September 2016

September Is Smiley Terry Month (No, I don't Believe It Either)

I have to admit that I just checked Google+ stats, while up-dating my profile there. Currently 3,129,154 views.  But CBO is at 2, 385, 631 and the numbers puzzle me still and CBO has been going longer (on Blogger since 2011 but Google+ only 3 years or so). Blogger does not give Weekly stats and I misunderstood that and did not check Views By Country.

United States
United Kingdom
Hong Kong

So a total of 5,360  and as noted previously Blogger stats tend not to include some of the countries listed above. 5, 360  divided by almost five days comes out as 1, 072 views per day.  But views so far today stand at 1,266. yesterday was 1,632 and the day before 1,887.

I'm rambling, aren't I?

But I make total views according to Blogger this week at around 7,000.  I know. You are sat there thinking "Is this the best he could come up with on a Friday night?"  My answer is....well, yeah. Numbers just puzzle me and I hate it when numbers do not add up properly because of some weird system used by Blogger in particular!

But if I have gotten this right, including the countries not included in Blogger's stats, then CBO has gone over 3 million views.  Yes, I'm bored.  I'm happy people are checking out CBO in such numbers and I may have written views come from "over" 100 countries but I think it's actually 120.

It's the 2nd September. September will be the month of no more boring stats talk! Just comics. Promise.

Yeah, I almost vomitted but I'm using....'smile' photos until the end of the month.  No idea if I can keep that up.....I will....try.

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