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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Dark Horse Comics

Psycho-Pass is a future science fiction story of an ideal society achieved with an app whereby everyone can monitor their own psychological state as easily as today’s tech keeps track of their pulse and daily step count. The result: a society full of functional—as opposed to dysfunctional—people. The price: a society of people as obsessed with a healthy mental state as any cross-trainer is with their physical health…and only one safe job permitted for those potential anti-socials deemed “latent criminals”—being a cop, to be monitored most closely of all…
Those of you familiar with the acclaimed Psycho-Pass anime series need no introduction to the story—but vol. 1 of Dark Horse’s manga Psycho-Pass: Inspector Shinya Kogami, hitting stores soon, is the untold prequel of Shinya Kogami’s days before he became an enforcer—tracking down those who commit crimes when the only difference between he and they may be that they lost the battle for control…and trying to investigate when even the discussion of a crime makes innocent witnesses fear that they too may become criminals! The perfect society and its cost is explored in this new multi-volume series by artist Natsuo Sai and writer Midori Gotou, based on the original story by the acclaimed Gen Urobuchi, the creator of Dark Horse’s Fate/Zero!

Psycho-Pass is a future science fiction story of an ideal society achieved with an app whereby everyone can monitor their own psychological state as easily as today’s tech keeps track of their pulse and daily step count. The result: a society full of functional—as opposed to dysfunctional—people. The price: a society of people as obsessed with a healthy mental state as any cross-trainer is with their physical health…and only one safe job permitted for those potential anti-socials deemed “latent criminals”—being a cop, to be monitored most closely of all…

Those of you familiar with the acclaimed Psycho-Pass anime series need no introduction to the story—but vol. 1 ofDark Horse’s manga Psycho-Pass: Inspector Shinya Kogami, hitting stores soon, is the untold prequel of Shinya Kogami’s days before he became an enforcer—tracking down those who commit crimes when the only difference between he and they may be that they lost the battle for control…and trying to investigate when even the discussion of a crime makes innocent witnesses fear that they too may become criminals! The perfect society and its cost is explored in this new multi-volume series by artist Natsuo Sai and writ

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