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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 6 November 2016

Titan Books: Modesty Blaise -The Murder Frame

  • Paperback: 144 pages
  • Publisher: Titan Books; 01 edition (28 Oct. 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1783298596
  • ISBN-13: 978-1783298594
  • Product Dimensions: 22.1 x 1 x 29.7 cm
  • Price varies depending on seller

Modesty has to act fast if she's going to save Willie from getting caught up in a sinister plot in 'The Murder Frame' -let's face it, we often joke that Willie is the "man in distress" who needs saving by the strong woman!. 

In 'Fraser's Story' Modesty discovers the past is a dangerous thing as she battles to save lives from the Russian Mafia. 

In 'The Tribute of the Pharaoh', a bad dream leads Modesty to Egypt where a real nightmare is about to begin! 

'The Special Orders' is a race against time for Modesty, after Sam is kidnapped by sex-traffickers.

It is a given fact that the Modesty Blaise stories are going to be well written with all the action and twists and characterisation  that anyone who is a Blaise fan expects. Giving away spoilers is something you won't find on CBO.  I often write about European comic albums (Cinebook) and the quality of thriller writing in them but here is a fine home grown example. 

The art. Oh the art!  I remember reading this strip in the Bristol Evening Post and the day I sat back and said "Wow!".  Who was this new artist?  Well, in the UK we only ever referred to him as Romero.  That name guaranteed that you were going to get some great artwork -you ever get a chance to check out Axa then do!  Up until his work on Modesty Blaise I had never seen a female character drawn as sexily!  I always hoped to one day draw that well but hoping ain't reality!

Combining O'Donnell's writing and Romero's art and you have a winner.  I'm not going to argue because if you can't see that...well, there are Di$ney (Marvel) Comics for you.

Ask me again and again and I am still going to suggest that if you can then you need to get this or any other Modesty Blaise book you can get your hands on and Titan have produced great quality books with this series.


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