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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 9 July 2018

Black Tower -Cruisers In The Clouds

John Lea (W)
H.J. Rhodes (Illustrations)
Ed. T. Hooper-Scharf
Black Tower Educational
40 Pages
Price: £6.00 (excl. VAT)Prints in 3-5 business days

One thing about living in Bristol is being spoilt by the low flights of hot air balloons -Bristol is the home of ballooning after all unless you believe the theories about ancient balloons over Nazca, Peru.  

But who was daft -or brave- enough to seriously think about flying a balloon full of highly dangerous gas?

If you have any interest in history and/or the development by the pioneers of hot-air ballooning,including the first use of parachutes in the 1800s,then this collection of articles by John Lea from 1905 and illustrated by H. J. Hodges,is for you.

According to one reviewer:

"Informative and interesting book on the beginnings of man's efforts to fly. Terry does a great job of making it easy to read and fun. If you like to learn something, and gain a view of the history behind something that we now take for granted - flight - this is the book for you. Good job, Terry. This should be read in schools !"

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