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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 10 February 2019


Author: Yves Sente; illustrated by Peter Van Dongen and Teun Berserik
Based on the Characters of E.P. Jacobs
Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 72 colour pages
Publication: December 2018
ISBN: 9781849184281
£8.99 inc. VAT
World War Three is over. Basam Damdu has been defeated. England can breathe and begin the rebuilding process … or so it thinks. In China, unfortunately, Mao’s Communists keep bowling over Chiang Kai-shek’s troops, and are threatening Hong Kong. And General Xi-Lee, a ruthless warlord, has dreams of becoming the new Qin Shi Huang – first Emperor of China. When a relic of that very emperor is discovered by an acquaintance of Mortimer, things take a turn for the worst …

The art and story is spot on and there are absolutely no complaints there.  I have been a B&M devotee since volume 1 and I would always recommend the series to anyone as it is a classic and one of Cinebook's best.  So why was I confused by what was going on?

I missed World War 3??

Did I??

Well, Blogger is useless at finding posts so my initial reaction was that Blogger either lost the post (not unheard of) or I never received volume 24 -The Testament of William S. It took about 45 minutes to find the review via Google and it is no wonder that I just sat there muttering "What? What? Who did--? WHAT??!!" You see, that review was posted on Wednesday, 8th March...2017. Almost two years ago. I checked and double checked and the date is right.  And you see the publication date for vol. 25 is December, 2018 -I received the books yesterday.

So without going back and re-reading (and I just do not have the time for that) volume 24 I can't be that fair here. It is a well written book and the art is great and in the style of Jacobs but I keep missing points. So, if you have a great memory -here you go.  Have time to re-read vol. 24 -here you go.


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