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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art Newsletter 134- February 2019

Dear Reader,
This month we're delighted to bring you our first ever title illustrated by veteran artist Dany. Penned by the master himself, Jean Van Hamme, Story Without a Hero is a gripping tale of ordinary people caught in extraordinary circumstances, and how they will – or will not – survive them. An audacious concept at the time, this protagonist-less adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat and begging for more – though that'll be next month!
In the meantime, there's more hostile wilderness to be found in Distant Worlds, although it's decidedly weirder than a South American jungle. Leo and Icar's imagination shines as they reveal more of Altair's exuberant nature … and mysterious past.
Finally, Lucky Luke too is in unfamiliar territory, as he is tasked with escorting five Daltons, including a banker from Switzerland, who hopes to turn his nephews into productive members of society – yes, THOSE Daltons. How do you think that will go, hmm?
February with Cinebook: strange new worlds!

Distant Worlds 2 
Icar & Leo
Episode 2
Paul and Professor Stanford's archaeological expedition are exploring the ruins of Altair in an effort to understand how the people who built them vanished altogether. Protected from various dangers by their deadly guardian angel the Stepanerk, they make some decidedly unexpected discoveries ... Read more

Lucky Luke 72 
Morris & Bob de Groot
Marcel Dalton
Marcel Dalton is the Dalton Brothers' Swiss uncle. He is not only honest, but a banker to boot. Having purchased a small bank in the US, he decides to hire his nephews to force them to make a honest living. Although he's assisted by Lucky Luke, they have their work cut out for them ... Read more

Story Without a Hero 
Dany & Van Hamme
A plane from a South American company crashes in the jungle. Only half of the passengers and crew survive. Some businessmen, a university professor, a steward, an aging movie star, a banana republic general, a young boy and his nanny... All these varied personalities will have to find a way to unite and work together to survive...Read more
Lucky Luke 73
The Prophet
Mermaid Project 2
Episode 2

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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May 11 & 12, 2019: Cinebook will exhibit at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada

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