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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 8 February 2019

V. A. N. Tonkin -mystery artist

Here's one for the art detectives.  Back in 2014 I received this message along with a lot of the drawings referred to:

For some years ago I bought a group of drawings from a cartoonist that was named V.A.N. Tonkin (?). I have tried to search the internet without finding anything about him.
I attach a few of the drawings. Have you any idea about who this cartoonist is?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards

John Adcock was my best best as if he has no idea  then who?  The reply came back:

I have never seen or heard of the cartoonist - it looks like the type of sort of amateurish art which was common in armed forces newspapers. I have written about several Canadian cartoonists for the Maple Leaf in WWII and trench newspapers in WWI but I think you probably have the time period correct - forties maybe even fifties. Some of the foreign language used is Turkish and Africa is mentioned. Best bet for your quester is to look into Army newspapers of the period from the Middle East. Not much help but thanks for the look see

It could have been an amateur forces artist but if you know who V. A. N. Tonkin is/was or any info please get in touch.

The watermark reads Historical Media 2007

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